Training Info & Tips

Pre-Match Warm-Up Drills

You need to make sure you warm up before a match. It will ready your body for exercise and help to reduce the risk of injury particularly when playing in the cold.

Begin with a low intensity activity, for example 3-5 minutes of jogging/side steps/skips/high knees and bottom kicks.

Follow this with 7-10 minutes of dynamic stretching exercises. Start from your toes and work the muscle groups up to your head. Here are a few ideas of good dynamic stretches for netball.


Burpee Variation

Full Plank Variation

Partner Side Plank - Ball Handling

Agility and Accuracy - Progression

Agility and Accuracy

Ball Control

Footwork and Accuracy

view drill

Getting Around Your Player - Progression

Getting Around Your Player

Quick Hands - Progression

Quick Hands

Reactions off a Wall

Reverse Hand Control